Topics & Sub Topics

Science Technology Research & Entrepreneurship Enhancement 2024

  1. Women contribution in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
    • Women's leadership in achieving the three pillars of Sustainable Development namely economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental integrity.
    • Fostering Gender transformative innovation and technology.
    • Women exceptional scientists and Researchers in Environmental Protection through independent discoveries in Science and technology.
    • Women’s contribution in space technology.
  2. Ethics and governance in Indian Text and its scientific interconnection.
    • Roles of women in Vedas and Indian scriptures.
    • Female Deities and Their spiritual Influence.
    • Depiction of women in ancient Indian art and sculpture.
    • Women in Administrative role.
  3. Women Philosophers and Thinkers in Indian Tradition.
    • Schools of Philosophy and metaphysics.
    • Quantum Physics and its linkages with Indian Philosophy.
    • Scientific derivation of womanhood and social harmony in IKS.
    • Feminism in India and worldwide.
  4. Women in Ayurveda and Traditional Indian Medicine.
    • Ayurvedic perspectives on women’s health across different life stages.
    • Interconnectedness and holistic wellbeing.
    • Ayurvedic approaches to women’s mental health and emotional well-being.
    • Traditional and modern beauty treatments and their relevance today.
    • Culinary in Ayurvedic Nutrition.
  5. Contemporary Perspectives: Reviving Traditional Knowledge Systems for Women today.
    • Science in Indian Arts: Dance, Music, and Literature - with special reference to women.
    • Women in Indian Craftsmanship and Handloom Industries.
    • Women and Sustainable Practices for food security and Traditional and contemporary Indian Agriculture.
    • Legal Rights and Women through ages.

Guidelines for Paper & Poster Presentation

  1. Abstract of the oral/poster presentation should cover one of the themes in English with the following guidelines:
    • The abstract should be in MS Word on A4 size paper not exceeding 200 words, typed in Times New Roman font size 12 point with double spacing. It should have a margin of 1.5" on the left side and a margin of 1" on the other three sides.
    • Title of the paper in upper case, centered, and bold with font size 14 points.
    • Author(s) Name and Affiliation(s), centered with font size 11 points. Author’s address in 10 points italics.
  2. The abstract should be sent online to the convener latest by 30th October 2024 at stree2024manit@gmail.com.
  3. Intimation of accepted Abstracts for Oral presentation or Poster presentation will be notified by 10th November 2024.
  4. Authors are requested to send the abstracts and full papers not more than 2000 words in Word format to the convener. It will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and Abstracts of selected papers on each theme will be published in the Souvenir cum Abstract Book.