Educational Activities

Educational Activities

Girls’ and Women’s Education is primarily important as basic education in the family starts from the mother. It has been observed that the Women and girls in the developing world are often denied opportunities for education. Lack of education limits prospects, decreases family income, reduces health, puts women and girls at risk of trafficking and exploitation, and limits the economic advancement of entire family. SHAKTI’s Education activities are focused on the education for the women mainly for the application oriented researches, skill development, financial sustain ability in the family and conducting educational activities at state and national level on contemporary issues for the women by the women.

Objectives can be summarised as

  • Motivating research students to take up relevant issues
  • Identify the roadblocks in their energy build up and research career.
  • Awareness of schemes that facilitate women in research through UGC, DSTand CSIR
  • Imparting Skills in writing and presenting their own research projects.
  • Deliberation on challenges faced by them especially in administrative issues in universities that limit the time spent on research.

Under The Educational Activities SHAKTI Conducts Following Programme As And When It Is Possible In Various Units Of SHAKTI.

(a)  Integrated Research Skill Enhancement (Irse):  Execution plan includes 2 to 3 days workshop on research skill enhancement for Post Graduate level students & research fellows to make them aware of various upcoming, application oriented & relevant fields of research.

(b)  State Level Women Conference:  Round table conference on the contemporary issues related to women at state level.

(c)  National Level Women Conference:  National conference on the relevant issues related to women of national importance.

(d)  Remote School Activities:  SHAKTI members with high academic credentials take up the school visits in the remote area and conduct the awareness lectures, demonstration, discussion on the girl education and sustainable development.